Episode 265. Meet Hana Janků

Episode 265. Meet Hana Janků SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Have you ever encountered a singer that no one has apparently…

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Episode 235. Anna Tonna Introduces Teresa Berganza  (Listeners’ Favorites VI)

Episode 235. Anna Tonna Introduces Teresa Berganza (Listeners’ Favorites VI) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today’s Listeners’ Favorites episode of Countermelody is…

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Episode 232. Janet Williams and Paul Padillo Introduce Maria Ewing (Listeners’ Favorites III)

Episode 232. Janet Williams and Paul Padillo Introduce Maria Ewing (Listeners’ Favorites III) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM January 9 is…

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Episode 229. John Wustman

Episode 229. Happy Birthday, John Wustman SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today, Christmas Day 2023, is also the 93rd birthday of…

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Episode 194. Great Mozart Tenors

Episode 194. Great Mozart Tenors SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today’s is a mammoth episode, one of my longest ever, so…

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Episode 188. Sarah Reese

Episode 188. Sarah Reese SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Greatness expresses itself in different ways. Sometimes in indisputable artistic talents, and…

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Episode 186. Roberta Alexander I

Episode 186. Roberta Alexander in Opera SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today it is with the utmost excitement that I bring…

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Episode 147. The Young Bacquier

Episode 147. The Young Gabriel Bacquier SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Two years ago last month, the great French (bass-)baritone Gabriel…

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Episode 145. Teresa Berganza

Episode 145. Teresa Berganza In Memoriam SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM A week ago today the beloved and revered Spanish mezzo-soprano…

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Episode 131. Reri Grist

Episode 131. Happy Birthday, Reri Grist (Black History Month 2022) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM The great African American coloratura Reri…

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