Episode 265. Meet Hana Janků

Episode 265. Meet Hana Janků SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Have you ever encountered a singer that no one has apparently…

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Episode 211. Janet Baker @ 90

Episode 211. Janet Baker @ 90 SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM This past week the opera world was plunged into mourning…

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Episode 156. Barely Sang at the Met II

Episode 156. Barely Sang at the Met II SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM This week is the conclusion of my presentation…

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Episode 131. Reri Grist

Episode 131. Happy Birthday, Reri Grist (Black History Month 2022) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM The great African American coloratura Reri…

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Episode 113. Edda Moser

Episode 113. Edda Moser SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM On 27 October the great German dramatic coloratura Edda Moser celebrated her…

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Episode 111. Verdi auf Deutsch

Episode 111. Verdi auf Deutsch SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today’s is a mammoth episode on a mammoth topic: historical performances…

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Episode 42. Battle Hymn of the Scotto

Episode 42. Battle Hymn of the Scotto SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM On the weekend that my benighted nation celebrates its…

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