Episode 261. Thom Baker Introduces Rosanna Carteri

Episode 261. Thom Baker Introduces Rosanna Carteri (Listeners’ Favorites) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today’s episode is one of my Listeners’…

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Episode 258. (Frank) Lopardopalooza

Episode 258. (Frank) Lopardopalooza SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today I present to you the American lyric tenor Frank Lopardo, who…

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Episode 251. Jeremy Osborne Introduces Igor Gorin

Episode 251. Jeremy Osborne Introduces Igor Gorin SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today’s segment in the Great Baritones division of my…

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Episode 249. Gavin Carr Introduces Heinrich Rehkemper

Episode 349. Gavin Carr Introduces Heinrich Rehkemper SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM This month’s series of Listeners’ Favorites continues with the…

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Episode 238. Delcina Stevenson (BHM2024)

Episode 238. Delcina Stevenson (BHM 2024) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM I am so grateful to all the listeners who did…

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Episode 236. Howard Hart Introduces Christa Ludwig (Listeners’ Favorites VII)

Episode 236. Howard Hart Introduces Christa Ludwig (Listeners’ Favorites VII) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM My friend and fellow opera podcaster…

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Episode 235. Anna Tonna Introduces Teresa Berganza  (Listeners’ Favorites VI)

Episode 235. Anna Tonna Introduces Teresa Berganza (Listeners’ Favorites VI) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today’s Listeners’ Favorites episode of Countermelody is…

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Episode 232. Janet Williams and Paul Padillo Introduce Maria Ewing (Listeners’ Favorites III)

Episode 232. Janet Williams and Paul Padillo Introduce Maria Ewing (Listeners’ Favorites III) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM January 9 is…

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Episode 229. John Wustman

Episode 229. Happy Birthday, John Wustman SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today, Christmas Day 2023, is also the 93rd birthday of…

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Episode 211. Janet Baker @ 90

Episode 211. Janet Baker @ 90 SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM This past week the opera world was plunged into mourning…

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