Episode 268. William Parker Redux

Episode 268. William Parker Redux SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today I revisit the life and legacy of lyric baritone William…

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Episode 261. Thom Baker Introduces Rosanna Carteri

Episode 261. Thom Baker Introduces Rosanna Carteri (Listeners’ Favorites) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today’s episode is one of my Listeners’…

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Episode 253. Randall Scarlata Introduces Gérard Souzay

Episode 253. Randall Scarlata Introduces Gérard Souzay SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM The French baritone Gérard Souzay was born Gérard Tisserand on 8…

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Episode 251. Jeremy Osborne Introduces Igor Gorin

Episode 251. Jeremy Osborne Introduces Igor Gorin SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today’s segment in the Great Baritones division of my…

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Episode 248. Thomas Bagwell Introduces Bernard Kruysen

Episode 109. Thomas Bagwell Introduces Bernard Kruysen SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM One of my best and truest friends in the…

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Episode 246. Previn Moore Introduces Camilla Williams & Janet Williams (BHM 2024)

Episode 246. Previn Moore Introduces Camilla Williams & Janet Williams (BHM 2024) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM As the final entry…

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Episode 239. Gwendolyn Killebrew (BHM 2024)

Episode 239. Gwendolyn Killebrew (BHM 2024) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM This week’s “Forgotten Diva” is the mezzo-soprano / contralto Gwendolyn…

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Episode 232. Janet Williams and Paul Padillo Introduce Maria Ewing (Listeners’ Favorites III)

Episode 232. Janet Williams and Paul Padillo Introduce Maria Ewing (Listeners’ Favorites III) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM January 9 is…

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Episode 230. Brian Castles-Onion Introduces Ira Siff (Listeners’ Favorites I)

Episode 230. Brian Castles-Onion Introduces Ira Siff: La Gran Scena and Beyond (Listeners’ Favorites I) SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Welcome…

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Episode 229. John Wustman

Episode 229. Happy Birthday, John Wustman SOCIAL SHARE SUBSCRIPTION PLATFORM Today, Christmas Day 2023, is also the 93rd birthday of…

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