Episode 299. Rogue Tenors

Remember the summer of 2020? The good old days of lockdown? That was the first summer that I was producing Countermelody, and during that time I tried to inject a little levity into the podcast by doing a long series on crossover. One such episode was devoted to a century of tenors singing crossover, reaching back further than a century from Fernando de Lucia and Caruso himself and extending to the present day. There was such a wealth of gorgeous material which led to an additional bonus episode on such “Rogue Tenors,” which includes (among the German-speaking singers) Hermann Jadlowker, Helge Rosvaenge, Fritz Wunderlich, Peter Schreier, Richard Tauber, Marcel Wittrisch, Jonas Kaufmann, Anton Dermota, Walther Ludwig, Herbert Ernst Groh, Joseph Schmidt, Jan Kiepura, and Julius Patzak; others include Stuart Burrows, Roland Hayes, Richard Lewis, Lawrence Brownlee, Jan Peerce, José Carreras, Kenneth McKellar, Noah Stewart, Tino Rossi, Luigi Alva, Giuseppe di Stefano, and Jerry Hadley in a wide range of repertoire and styles ranging from Neapolitan songs Kurt Weill; from folk songs to Victorian parlor songs; from operettas and Tonfilm Schlager to jazz and rock. It’s a rollicking good ride; hold on tight and enjoy!

Arturo Buzzi-Peccia: Lolita. Hermann Jadlowker [1906]

Sandor Harmati, Edward Heyman, Harry Parr Davies: Bluebird of Happiness. Jan Peerce, Sylvan Levin, The Victor Orchestra [1946]

Andrew Lloyd Webber, T.S. Eliot: Memory (Cats). José Carreras, Robert Farnon and His Orchestra [1984]

Kurt Weill, Bertolt Brecht: Der Moritat von Mackie Messer (Die Dreigroschenoper). Helge Rosvaenge, F. Charles Adler, Kammerorchester der Wiener Konzertvereinigung [1955]

Geoffrey O’Hara, Fred G. Bowles: Your Eyes Have Told Me What I Did Not Know. Enrico Caruso [1913]

Ethelbert Nevin, Robert Cameron Rogers: The Rosary. Stuart Burrows, John Constable [1971]

Roger Quilter, William Shakespeare: It Was a Lover and His Lass. Roland Hayes, Reginald Boardman [ca.1939]

Traditional Scots, arr. Arne Dørumsgaard: There’s None to Soothe. Richard Lewis, Orchestra conducted by Charles Mackerras [1960]

Traditional Scots, Robert Burns: My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose. Kenneth McKellar, Orchestra conducted by Bob Sharples [1955]

Traditional Gullah, arr. Damien Sneed: Come by Here, Good Lord. Lawrence Brownlee, Damien Sneed [2013]

Vincent Youmans, Billy Rose, Edward Eliscu: Without a Song (Great Day). Noah Stewart, Nicholas Dodd, Philharmonia Orchestra [2011]

Nicholas Brodszky, Sammy Cahn: Be My Love (The Toast of New Orleans). Fritz Wunderlich, Hans Carste, Symphonie-Orchester Graunke, Rudolf Lamy-Chor [1965]

Rudolf Friml, Oscar Hammerstein II, Otto Harbach; Arthur Rebner (German lyrics): Über die Prärie [Indian Love Call] (Rose Marie). Peter Schreier, Jürgen Hermann, Grosses Tanzstreichorchester des Deutschlandsenders [1969]

Robert Stolz, Armin Robinson, Walter Reisch: Frag nicht, warum ich gehe (Das Lied ist aus). Marcel Wittrisch, Robert Stolz, Lewis Ruth Band [1930]

Jacob Gade, Patience Strong [Winifred May]: Jealousy. Richard Tauber, Orchestra conducted by Phil Green [1942]

Richard Tauber: Du bist die Welt für mich (Der singende Traum). Jonas Kaufmann, Jochen Rieder, Rundfunk-Sinphonieorchester Berlin [2014]

Consuelo Velázquez, Francis Blanche (French lyrics): Besame mucho. Tino Rossi, Orchestra conducted by Raymond Legrand [1945]

Joseph Maria Lacalle: Amapola. Luigi Alva, Iller Pattacini, The New Symphony Orchestra of London [1963]

Giuseppe Cioffi, Gigi Pisano: ’Na sera ’e maggio. Giuseppe di Stefano, Orchestra conducted by Dino Olivieri [1958]

Hermann Krome, Curt Schulz: Sonne über Capri. Fritz Wunderlich, Willi Stech, Das kleine Rundfunkorchester des SWF [1953]

Charles Cerné, Richard Genée, Hans Adler: Schöner als auf der Welt (Veilchenredoute). Anton Dermota, Max Schönherr, Großes Wiener Rundfunkorchester [1945]

Werner Richard Heymann, Robert Gilbert: Wenn du nicht kommst (Ich bei Tag und du bei Nacht). Walther Ludwig, Orchestra conducted by Hans Sommer [1932]

Arthur William Halifax, Melle Weersma; Günther Schwenn, Peter Schaeffers (German lyrics): Das Pfennig-Lied [Penny Serenade]. Herbert Ernst Groh, Die Metropol Vokalisten, Ernst Dobrindt Orchester [1939]

Sebastian Knauer: Der Emigrant. Joseph Schmidt, Hans Schleger Orchestra [1932]

Erich Wolfgang Korngold, Oscar Hammerstein II: Sweet Melody of Night (Give Us the Night). Jan Kiepura [1936]

Victor Young, Ned Washington: My Foolish Heart; Jimmy Webb: The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress; Richard Kerr, Will Jennings: In the Real World; Billy Strayhorn: Lush Life. Jerry Hadley, Paul Gemignani, American Theater Orchestra [1994]

Rudolf Sieczyński: Wien, du Stadt meiner Träume. Julius Patzak, Hans Totzauer, Grinzinger Schrammeln Orchestra [1958]